Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How can Brian Tracy and iLearningGlobal help you?

Would you like to increase your income? Brian Tracy teaches that “Average people increase their income by 2-3% per year, while continuous learners average a 15-20% increase.

Would you like to reduce your tax burden? Sandy Botkin will teach you how to apply the tax laws legally, to minimize your taxes in an audit-proof program.

Would you like to work from home and have time freedom? Brian Tracy is looking for enterpreneurs to market his new Internet-based iLearningGlobal hi-def video training site.

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, read on to find out how Brian Tracy and the iLearningGlobal trainers can help you reach your financial goals.

iLearningGlobal with Brian Tracy

iLearningGlobal is the most powerful, inexpensive, effective way to get the coaching, professional development and motivation you need to optimize your personal growth and maximize your income.

The personal development training is delivered via the Internet in high-definition full-screen video format, with no buffering. Audio training courses, e-books and live webcasts provide training in other convenient formats.

Training courses are taught by Brian Tracy, Bob Procter of The Secret, Sandy Botkin, Harv Eker, Dan Clark, Tony Alessandra, Mark Victor Hansen and many others.

The professional development training courses include:
  • Business Networking
  • Business Opportunity
  • Career Development
  • Communication Skills
  • Effective Time Management
  • Entrepreneurialism
  • Finance and Money Management
  • The Importance of Goals and Goal Setting
  • Home Business Development
  • Increasing Income
  • Internet Business Opportunities
  • Law of Attraction
  • Leadership Development
  • Make Money Online From A Home Business
  • Management Development
  • Marketing Your Business
  • Millionaire Mindset - The Psychology of Wealth
  • Money and Wealth Management
  • Motivation and Inspirational Stories
  • Negotiation and Sales Strategy
  • Online Business
  • Personal Communication
  • Personal Finances
  • Personal Management
  • Presentation Skills
  • Rewarding Relationships
  • Sales and Sales Management
  • Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
  • Self Confidence
  • Self Improvement
  • Starting a Small Business
  • Success Laws
  • Staff Development
  • Tax Reduction Strategies
  • Work Life Balance
ilearningGlobal members have access to today’s most dynamic speakers and trainers in a way you’ve never seen them before.

Link to
www.ilgtv.com to watch an overview video from Brian Tracy, preview the training site and setup your access account.

Contact David Wilcoxson at 1-866-285-8296 with any questions. If you get my voicemail, please leave a message and I will call you right back.

brian tracy, brian tracey, brain tracy, brian tracy international, sales, sales training, goals, network marketing, mlm, make money online, Bob Procter, the secret, leadership training, internet business

Brian Tracy's Goals with iLearningGlobal

Brian Tracy has two goals with iLearningGlobal:

  1. To help you reach your personal goals and business goals faster and easier, with relevant, concise video trainings, which you can learn and apply quickly for maximum achievement.
  2. To help create one million new millionaires through the iLearningGlobal training library and the online business opportunity.

As the Chief Learning Officer at iLearningGlobal, Brian Tracy and his faculty will help you improve your business and personal development skills in sales, setting and achieving your goals, network marketing and mlm, time management, wealth psychology and much more.

As an iLearningGlobal marketer, Brian and the other faculty members will teach you how to build your business with effective marketing, prospecting and presenting. And they will teach you about effective leadership and management, so that you can build a large marketing organization to leverage the time and efforts of your team to earn repeating residual income.

Link to http://www.ilgtv.com/ to hear Brian teach about iLearningGlobal, and to get your access account setup.

About iLearningGlobal

iLearningGlobal can help you increase your income, minimize your taxes, build wealth and have time freedom.

Your most valuable asset is your earning ability. It’s your ability to apply your knowledge and skills in a timely fashion in order to get the results for which others will pay. Even if you lose your job to corporate restructuring, you can always apply your knowledge elsewhere.

You are your best investment. Jim Rohn taught us to ”work harder on yourself than on your job”. Brian Tracy teaches that “Average people increase their income by 2-3% per year, while continuous learners average a 15-20% increase.

The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself.

Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn and the more self-confidence you will have.

Top IRS trainer Sandy Botkin teaches that the average American pays 40% in overall taxes. He will teach you how to apply the tax laws legally, to minimize your taxes in an audit-proof program.

Harv Eker of the Millionaire Mind and other financial trainers, will teach you how to reprogram your mind for wealth accumulation. Your “Money Blueprint” is your hardwired programming about money and it unconsciously causes your financial results.

If you want more out of life… more happiness, more wealth, more fun…the answer is simple; you NEED to change your Money Blueprint, and change it quick!

iLearningGlobal presents a growing library of training superstars in an amazing High Definition full screen video format along with audio programs, e-books, live webcasts, and much more.

Personal development and quality business training has never been more important than it is today.
iLearningGlobal delivers the best professional development training to you 24/7!

When you increase your income through continual learning, minimize your taxes, and reprogram your mind to attract wealth, you will also obtain the most valuable treasure of all… the time freedom to live life on your terms… not your banks and not your employers.

Link to
www.ilgtv.com to view a training from Brian Tracy, and to setup your member account today!
Contact David Wilcoxson at 1-866-285-8296 with any questions. If you get my voicemail, please leave a message and I will call you right back.

iLearningGlobal Trainers

Brian Tracy is the Chief Learning Officer at iLearningGlobal, and he is adding new trainers and new content every week.

Here is a current list of the trainers and their topics:

  • Brian Tracy - 10 Goal Method; 21 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires; Be a Sales Super Star; Change Your Thinking; Communicate with Power; Double Your Productivity; Eat that Frog; Focal Point; Freeway of Life; Get Paid More; Get the Job You Want; Great Ways to Save; Increase Your Profits; Reach Your Potential; Setting Goals; Start Your Business; Take Charge of Your Life; The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Success
  • Bob Procter (of The Secret) - The Mind Module; Your Infinite Potential
  • Dan Clark - Change; Communicate; Customer Service; The Law of Attraction
  • Dave Sherman - 3 Keys to the Perfect Elevator Speech
  • Dennis Deaton - State of Mind
  • Dolf de Roos - In the recording studio this month
  • Don Hutson - In the recording studio this month
  • Harv Eker (Millionaire Mind) - In the recording studio this month
  • Jim Britt (Network Marketing / MLM Expert) - 6 Daily Actions; The Power of Letting Go
  • Jim Cathcart - In the recording studio this month
  • Kevin Carrol - Commitment; Leadership that Inspires; Purposeful Play
  • Mark Victor Hansen - In the recording studio this month
  • Omar Periu - In the recording studio this month
  • Patricia Fripp - Act As If Your Name Was on the Door; Clean Out Your Life’s Closets; Does Sr. Management Make You Nervous?; How to Become A Better Speaker; Leadership
  • Richard Paul Evans - In the recording studio this month
  • Sandy Botkin (Top IRS Trainer) - Introduction to Taxes; Tax Reduction Strategies Part 1 &2
  • Scott Zimmerman - In the recording studio this month
  • Steve Andersen - In the recording studio this month
  • Steve Siebold - In the recording studio this month
  • Terri Murphy - In the recording studio this month
  • Tony Alessandra - Becoming More Pursuasive; Collaborative Selling; Customer-Driven Service; Customer Loyalty; Goal Setting; Making Customers: People Smart

Link to

www.ilearningglobal.tv to preview the site and read the faculty bios.
Link to
www.ilgtv.com to watch an overview video from Brian Tracy, preview the training site and setup your access account.

Contact David Wilcoxson at 1-866-285-8296 with any questions. If you get my voicemail, please leave a message and I will call you right back.

Here is a List of New Video Learning Modules on iLearningGlobal
Brian Tracy - 10 Goal Method
Brian Tracy - The Freeway of Life
Brian Tracy - Reach Your Potential
Brian Tracy - Take Charge of your Life
Dan Clark - Change
Dan Clark - Communication
Dan Clark - Customer Service
Dan Clark - Law of Attraction
Jim Britt - The Power Of Letting Go
Kevin Carroll - Leadership That Inspires
Kevin Carroll - Book Reviews
Kevin Carroll - The Kevin Carroll Story
Kevin Carroll - The Purpose of PLAY
Omar Periu -Wealth Secrets Kevin Carroll - Ball Collection
Sandy Botkin - Intro to Tax Savings
Sandy Botkin - Tax Deductibles Part 1
Sandy Botkin - Tax Deductibles Part 2

Link to
www.ilgtv.com to watch an overview video from Brian Tracy, preview the training site and setup your access account.

Contact David Wilcoxson at 1-866-285-8296 with any questions. If you get my voicemail, please leave a message and I will call you right back.

Partner with Brian Tracy and iLearningGlobal

Ongoing education by the top speakers in the world in Personal Development, Motivation, Business Success, and Money Management, is a multi-billion dollar business.

But a transition is taking place that is moving it away from large meetings, tape/CD collections, and paper book libraries, to the Internet. Speakers and their attendees want to avoid the cost and hassles of travel, time away from families, and time off of work, so online video libraries featuring short, impactful videos are the wave of the future.

iLearningGlobal allows these top trainers to reach their audience through Internet-based high-definition, full-screen video. This allows subscribers to have 24×7 access to the best training in the world.

Brian Tracy could have simply marketed this product through his normal channels of advertising and created more wealth for himself and the founders. Instead he chose the direct sales marketing plan, to help Independent Marketers create the value in the marketplace and get paid according to their efforts. Brian has shared that this is the best opportunity he has ever seen for ambitious people to change their financial future.

iLearningGlobal stands out in the marketplace because:
  • The product is a category creator. Being first in is better than being best because it brands you like Coke, Xerox, or Google. But when you are both first and best you will dominate your market for a long time to come. To find it, you “Google it;” to get directions, you “MapQuest it;” and very soon to learn it, you will “iLearn it!”
  • The Internet is our delivery system. We have no inventory, no packages, no postage, no delays, nothing damaged or lost, and no returns. This allows you to make money online through web 2.0 and social marketing.
  • They have the top trainers in the world. Personal and business development is a billion dollar industry and iLearningGlobal is attracting the best trainers. These trainers are in our studios adding more life-changing content to our library every week.
  • This product crosses over to the business world. Where many companies market products through the network marketing or mlm business model, our product is being readily accepted my business professionals to further their career, and to perhaps change their career to marketing this professional product.
  • It features a brand new high-definition, full screen, no-buffering video technology. This immediately and profoundly differentiates us from everyone else. It is amazing - only a few billion dollar companies have licenses to use it at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars. We have exclusive rights in our industry for years! In April of 2008 alone, 11 billion videos were watched on the Internet. This is our market, and we are perfectly positioned for it!
  • They have a membership-based model, which Bill Gates recently forecasted is the web community of the future, rather than advertising-driven Internet sites like Yahoo, YouTube, and MySpace.
  • The ilearningGlobal faculty will teach you how to succeed in your home-based business. We get paid to simply tell people about the new program and invite them to take a look. There’s no sales or convincing. We simply invite people to watch the Brian Tracy Introduction video tell them about the product and the opportunity. Brian is the master trainer and sales person, so we simply let him share about the program.
  • The Compensation Plan allows you to earn repeating residual income. You can build a marketing organization to leverage the time and efforts of your team, to get paid over and over for your efforts.
  • You will learn how to minimize your tax burden. Sandy Botkin is a top IRS trainer, who will teach you many tax reduction strategies.
  • You will get personal sales training from Brian Tracy and the other trainers. You will have access to free marketer trainings from Brian and the faculty, and you will be able to meet them in person at our corporate training events.
  • Your timing is perfect, as we are in prelaunch right now. Timing is everything in business. Many times it can be risky getting in on the ‘ground floor’ of a business, but with Brian Tracy and the founder’s business reputation, that is not a problem. In fact, their leadership magnifies the reason to get started now, because you can be confident that their business will succeed.

Word is speading fast about this dynamic training program and people are going to learn about iLearningGlobal and become members. Do you want to be the one to tell them about it, so that you can earn a residual income?

Brian Tracy and iLearningGlobal are committed to the goal of creating 1,000,000 millionaires by 2020. Do you want to be one of them?

To learn more about iLearningGlobal, their business plan, and their straight-forward and rewarding compensation plan, link to


Contact David Wilcoxson at 1-866-285-8296 with any questions about the product and/or business opportunity. If you get my voicemail, please leave a message and I will call you right back.

Whether you want to earn extra money part-time or create a full-time income and beyond, link to www.ilgtv.com to listen to Brian Tracy share about the iLearningGlobal business opportunity, and to get setup as a Marketer today.